Therakind Ltd
Therakind is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on developing medicines in difficult-to-treat markets including paediatric and geriatric patient groups. Out-licensing Jylamvo® oral liquid methotrexate & DriDose® novel nasal powder delivery device.
Trilogy Writing & Consulting Limited
At Trilogy, medical writing is our passion. As specialists in clinical regulatory documentation, we provide a service that is more than just writing. We work as an outsourcing partner for our clients, and our writers are integral parts of our clients’ teams: proactively planning, coordinating, and writing their clinical and scientific communications documentation to meet aggressive timelines, with a readability that reduces the time for review and approval.
We have been helping pharmaceutical companies and clinical research organisations (CROs) of all sizes, worldwide, to streamline their documentation processes for over a decade. If you are looking for ways to save time and money in your pre- and post-marketing programmes, Trilogy can help. We cover all clinical areas and will be happy to talk to you about how to increase the speed and effectiveness of your documentation.
Clinical documentation and scientific communications are far too important to be left to chance. No programme is too small for well-written protocols, study reports or submission dossiers. The success of clinical development programmes, drug approval, and marketing depends ultimately on the readability and reviewer-friendliness of the documentation.